Encouraging Truths Devotional Series (Day #13)
Our Betrothal to Jesus
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph … (Mt 1:18 – NASB)
In our culture today we know very little about a betrothal period and Gentile believers know even less about the Jewish betrothal process. That’s sad since there are some really amazing parallels between the Jewish betrothal process and our betrothal to Jesus! Remember, He is our ‘Groom to be’ which means we believers are currently betrothed to Him. Take a look at the Jewish betrothal process.
The Jewish betrothal process is significant to us since we are the bride of Christ. We entered the betrothal period when we became believers and are now waiting for His return. In the meantime, we are to remain faithful to Him and be preparing ourselves for His return for us.
A pictoral representation…
What impacted you and what did you learn or encouraged you from this teaching?
Be on the lookout tomorrow for the next Encouraging Truth from this devotional series.